Friday, 1 October 2010

01/10/2010 tenders 40

D-Oranienburg: construction work
1.0/105347 TI: D-Oranienburg: construction work PD: 20100925 ND: 284592-2010 OJ: 187/2010 DS: 20100922 DT: 20101019 10 00 RN: 272739-2010 HD: 011EA TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 1 - Works PR: 1 - Open procedure RP: 5 - European...

D-Mainz: installation of doors and windows and related components
1.0/105370 TI: D-Mainz: installation of doors and windows and related components PD: 20100925 ND: 284593-2010 OJ: 187/2010 DS: 20100920 DD: 20101019 10 00 DT: 20101103 10 30 RN: 279350-2010 HD: 011EA TD: 2 - Additional information NC:...

D-Munich: software configuration services
1.0/105669 TI: D-Munich: software configuration services PD: 20100925 ND: 284606-2010 OJ: 187/2010 DS: 20100924 DD: 20100610 14 00 DT: 20100617 14 00 RN: 139704-2010 HD: 013EC TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 4 - Service contract PR:...

D-Munich: construction work for university buildings
1.0/105807 TI: D-Munich: construction work for university buildings PD: 20100925 ND: 284612-2010 OJ: 187/2010 DS: 20100923 RN: 260429-2010 HD: 011EA TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 1 - Works PR: 0 - Prior information or periodic...

D-Stadtallendorf: daycare centre construction work
CPV: 45215221. Daycare centre construction work. ...

D-Berlin: demolition, site preparation and clearance work
CPV: 45111000. Demolition, site preparation and clearance work. ...

D-Bonn: building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work
CPV: 45110000, 45111000, 45113000. Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work. Demolition, site preparation and clearance work. Siteworks. ...

D-Löbau: excavating and earthmoving work
CPV: 45112000, 39100000, 45111100, 45111200, 45113000, 45232000, 45233000, 45236000, 45332200, 45422000, 77310000. Excavating and earthmoving work. Furniture. Demolition work. Site preparation and clearance work. Siteworks. Ancillary works for pipelines and cables. Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads. Flatwork. Water plumbing work. Carpentry installation work. Planting and maintenance services of green areas. ...

D-Wildau: building construction work
CPV: 45210000, 45262670. Building construction work. Metalworking. ...

D-Traunstein: construction work for bridges
CPV: 45221100. Construction work for bridges. ...

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