Wednesday, 1 February 2012

01/02/2012 tenders 140

D-Speyer: dyke construction work
CPV: 45247230, 44212410. Dyke construction work . Sheet piling . ...

D-Bayreuth: construction work for college buildings
CPV: 45214300, 45221250, 45112700, 45432130. Construction work for college buildings . Underground work other than tunnels, shafts and subways . Landscaping work . Floor-covering work . ...

D-Dresden: construction work for art and cultural buildings
CPV: 45212300, 45112700. Construction work for art and cultural buildings . Landscaping work . ...

D-Buchen: road tunnel construction work
CPV: 45221241, 45233120. Road tunnel construction work . Road construction works . ...

AT-Innsbruck: hospital facilities construction work

D-Euskirchen: bridge construction work
CPV: 45221110, 45233120. Bridge construction work . Road construction works . ...

D-Meißen: construction work for highways, roads
CPV: 45233100, 45221111. Construction work for highways, roads . Road bridge construction work . ...

D-Friedberg: doors
CPV: 44221200, 39515430, 44113620, 44221220, 45262670, 45421146, 45442110. Doors . Venetian blinds . Asphalt . Fire doors . Metalworking . Installation of suspended ceilings . Painting work of buildings . ...

D-Friedberg: installation of doors
CPV: 45421131, 44221200, 44221220, 45212190, 45223220, 45233160, 45233200, 45236000, 45262620, 45262670, 45311200, 45321000, 45341000, 45421143, 45422000, 45431100, 45431200, 45432100, 45432200, 45442110, 45443000, 90911200. Installation of doors . Doors . Fire doors . Sun-protection works . Structural shell work . Paths and other metalled surfaces . Various surface works . Flatwork . Supporting walls . Metalworking . Electrical fitting work . Thermal insulation work . Erection of railings . Installation work of blinds . Carpentry installation work . Floor-tiling work . Wall-tiling work . Floor laying and covering work . Wall-covering and wall-papering work . Painting work of buildings . Facade work . Building-cleaning services . ...

AT-Innsbruck: construction work

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